Saturday, October 15, 2016

The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism by Dalai Lama *Online Library »RTF

The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism His Holiness explains the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma; the purpose and the means of generating the mind of enlightenment; and the twelve links of dependent arising, as well as other prelimin

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The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism

Title:The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism
Author:Dalai Lama
Rating:4.65 (354 Votes)
Format Type:Paperback
Number of Pages:255 Pages
Publish Date:2012-05-01

Editorial : About the Author

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on July 6, 1935 in northeastern Tibet and was recognized two years later as the reincarnation of Thubten Gyatso, the 13th Dalai Lama. He travels extensively—having visited more than 62 countries—giving speeches to promote understanding, kindness, compassion, respect for the environment, and, above all, world peace. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet.

A remarkable and rare overview of the key aspects of Tibetan Buddhism provided by His Holiness the Dalai Lama         The End of Suffering and the Discovery of Happiness presents a clear and straightforward road map for how we might end our experience of suffering and discover happiness, drawn by the most celebrated spiritual master of Buddhism—His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.In this insightful volume, he not only describes what religion can contribute to mankind, but also accentuates the significance of truly practicing religion and understanding what it is that mankind really needs.His Holiness explains the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma; the purpose and the means of generating the mind of enlightenment; and the twelve links of dependent arising, as well as other preliminary concepts. Tsongkhapa’s The Three Principal Aspects of the Path and TheStages of the Path to Enlightenment have also b

Thank you.. He begins with a brief history of the Return and the Dispersion then goes on to explain how nu-merous books came about as a response to the Dispersion, the wake of Alexander the Great, the Romans and Herod the Great, and on through the Second Revolt. "Love and Loyalty" had everything I look for in a good book: a poignant, funny, and creative story; intelligently written and believable characters; crisp and engaging dialog; and an attention to story-building detail. Just read it.. Thumbing through I notice that he talks of Hatshepsut's "virgin birth," but that is not the exact meaning of the visitation scenes. Life in canterbury Tower surely has it's ups and downs and problems. It seems like some of the problems were written by lazy grad students who didn't bother to read the explanations to see what was covered, or switched problems from previous editions around to different sections without thinking. The pages are just short of board book; they're a thin cardboard that wil

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