Monday, October 31, 2016

Noni - The Story Of A Nympho by Kimoko Z Lee *Free Download»DOC

Noni - The Story Of A Nympho This behavior also lands Noni into some very tense and even dangerous situations. This novel definitely supports the adage the woman want sex just as much as men do! Kimoko Z.We are all sexual beings

Cracking the PSAT, 2006 (College Test Prep) by Princeton Review *Online Library »PDF

Cracking the PSAT, 2006 (College Test Prep) The PSAT is taken by 1. Like the NEW SAT, the NEW PSAT tests critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing skills..Preparing for this test is more important now than ever!The book includes two f

Friday, October 28, 2016

El Ciclo de Vida del Arbol (Ciclo de Vida de (Hardcover)) (Spanish Edition) Including photographs and illustrations, it explains: how seeds are produced; how various types of seeds look; the role of trees in a forest; and the benefits from trees.Meant for ages 6-12, and with

Thursday, October 27, 2016

New(➧)Known Military Dead During the War of 1812 by Clarence S. Peterson * Download »PDF

Known Military Dead During the War of 1812

Get Wet, Get Fit: The Complete Guide to Getting a Swimmer's Body by Megan Quann Jendrick *Online Library »DOC

Get Wet, Get Fit: The Complete Guide to Getting a Swimmer's Body But unlike the average training manual or how-to book, Get Wet, Get Fit also provides: Training regimens for everyone from beginners to Olympic-level competitors, including dynamic dr

Solar Labyrinth: Exploring Gene Wolfe's "Book of the New Sun" Gene Wolfe's BOOK OF THE NEW SUN has been hailed by both critics and readers as quite possibly the best science fiction novel ever written. Now, however, in the first book-length investigation of Wolf

Soulscapes by Vanessa Hogle * Download »PDF

Soulscapes Discover 20 unbelievable psychic impressions through the use of art, best described as soulscapes!.Soulscapes is a journey through the expression of a psychic medium and remote viewer's tapestry of i

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rock 'n' Roll: It's Better Than Working for a Living by Mick Tyas *Books Online »PDF

Rock 'n' Roll: It's Better Than Working for a Living This is a sensational and often humorous, yet personal glimpse into life behind the life of nearly every major rock tour from the mid-1960's onward.. This is certainly entertainment tonight meets the

Top(➧)The Name Therapist: How Growing Up with My Odd Name Taught Me Everything You Need to Know about Yours by Duana Taha * Download »DOC

The Name Therapist: How Growing Up with My Odd Name Taught Me Everything You Need to Know about Yours What’s a “stripper” name? For that matter, what’s a high-class name? How do you tell the difference? Why does everyone call them “baby” names when they follow us

Best(➧)Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living by Allan Lokos *Download »DOC

Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living According to Lokos, to develop a depth of patience we must first acknowledge the unhappiness caused by our impatience and anger in its many manifestations-from mild annoyance to rage. In this revelato

Friday, October 21, 2016

Succeeding with Difficult Students: New Strategies for Reaching Your Most Challenging Students by Lee Canter *Free Download»DOC

Succeeding with Difficult Students: New Strategies for Reaching Your Most Challenging Students . This book features comprehensive step-by-step strategies that enable the you to engage even the hardest-to-reach student in a positive and productive relationship. Building trust and respect with th

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Best(➧)The Literary Canine Presents: Dog-Eared Classics 2016 Calendar by August Nights Press *Download »PDF

The Literary Canine Presents: Dog-Eared Classics 2016 Calendar

Read(➧)A Guide to Old English by Wiley-Blackwell *Download »DOC

A Guide to Old English Includes two new texts, widely requested by teachers and students: Wulf and Eadwacer and Judith.Includes a range of helpful pedagogical tools - a map of Anglo-Saxon Engla

New(➧)Rainbow Six (A Jack Ryan Novel) by Tom Clancy * Download »DOC

Rainbow Six (A Jack Ryan Novel) Rainbow Six, however, goes beyond anything he has done before.Over the course of nine novels, Tom Clancy's genius for big, compelling plots and his natural narrative gift (The New Yo

Best(➧)Star-Crossed: A Hollywood Love Story in Three Acts by Ron Austin *Download »DOC

Star-Crossed: A Hollywood Love Story in Three Acts

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Village Garage (Christy Ottaviano Books) by G. Brian Karas * Download »DOC

The Village Garage (Christy Ottaviano Books)

PSAT Prep Book 2015-2016: Study Guide and Practice Test Review for College Board's PSAT Exam If you miss a question, it's important that you are able to understand the nature of your mistake and how to avoid making it again in the future. A test taker has to not only understand. The answer e

Sunday, October 16, 2016

New(➧)The Strategic Teacher: Selecting the Right Research-Based Strategy for Every Lesson by Harvey F. Silver * Download »PDF

The Strategic Teacher: Selecting the Right Research-Based Strategy for Every Lesson The Strategic Teacher offers a repertoire of strategies designed and proven to meet today’s high standards and reach diverse learners. To guide teachers in deliverin. Twenty rel

New(➧)Anxiety, Phobias, & Panic: A Step-by-Step Program for Regaining Control of Your Life by Reneau Z. Peurifoy * Download »DOC

Anxiety, Phobias, & Panic: A Step-by-Step Program for Regaining Control of Your Life Originally self-published.An experienced professional counselor offers an understanding of common nervous disorders--from mild anxiety and stress to severe agorophobia--and shows how they can be cont

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism by Dalai Lama *Online Library »RTF

The End of Suffering and The Discovery of Happiness: The Path of Tibetan Buddhism His Holiness explains the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma; the purpose and the means of generating the mind of enlightenment; and the twelve links of dependent arising, as well as other prelimin

Friday, October 14, 2016

New(➧)A Natural History of Ferns by Robbin C. Moran * Download »RTF

A Natural History of Ferns A Natural History of Ferns is an entertaining and informative look at why ferns and their relatives are unique among plants. Moran sheds light on Robinson Crusoe's ferns, the role of ferns in movies,

Best(➧)Macbeth Audio Package (Shakespeare Classics) by Saddleback Educational Publishing *Download »RTF

Macbeth Audio Package (Shakespeare Classics) Presented in traditional play script format, each title features simplified language, easy-to-read type, and strict adherence to the tone and integrity of the original..Read-along sets for each title

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Home by Jack Canfield *Books Online »DOC

The 30-Day Sobriety Solution: How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Home

Shelby Mustang Fifty Years by Colin Comer *Free Download»RTF

Shelby Mustang Fifty Years Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of America's premier performance car!From the original Shelby Mustang GT350 to today's 1,000 horsepower GT500, Carroll Shelby, Shelby American, and the Ford Motor

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Best(➧)Microsoft Windows Vista Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card) by Beezix Inc *Download »RTF

Microsoft Windows Vista Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card) g. Calculator, Note Pad), Exiting a Program, Closing a Window, Manipulating Windows: Moving, Enlarging, Restoring, Minimizing, Restoring a Minimized Window/Switching among Open Items, Using Grouped Ta

Friday, October 7, 2016

Top(➧)Advanced Calculus : Revised Edition by Shlomo Zvi Sternberg * Download »DOC

Advanced Calculus : Revised Edition It can accordingly be used (with omissions) as a text for a year's course in advanced calculus, or as a text for a three-semester introduction to analysis.An authorised reissue of the long out of pri

Niizh by Nadine Labelle *Books Online »DOC

Niizh It will only take a minute to find out for sure, won't it? VOICES ON THE WATER:Drake goes on his first canoe trip, but fishing comes to an end when a summer storm hits. RAVEN

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Read(➧)Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review Spring 2014 Study Guide: Regulation (Wiley Cpa Exam Review) by O. Ray Whittington *Download »PDF

Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review Spring 2014 Study Guide: Regulation (Wiley Cpa Exam Review) The uniform CPA exam is updated annually to include new laws, regulations, and guidelines, so it's important that your study guide be up to date as well. This volume, Regulation, contains all c

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I.Q. Goes to the Library (An I.Q book) by Mary Ann Fraser * Download »PDF

I.Q. Goes to the Library (An I.Q book) But I.Q.Q. He wants to take out the funny book that Mrs.He's been Student of the Week, but will I. worries that he'll never be able to find the funny book.Q.Q. ever get a library card?When Mrs.Q. Fur

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and Computer Implementations (Wiley Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization) by Silvano Martello *Free Download»PDF

Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and Computer Implementations (Wiley Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization) The text fully develops an algorithmic approach without losing mathematical rigor..Here is a state of art examination on exact and approximate algorithms for a number of important NP-hard problems in

Toy Design by Chris Van Uffelen *Books Online »PDF

Toy Design Toys, fulfilling as they do one of mankind's most basic needs, have existed for as long as we have. However, most often it was craftsmen and womensuch as the seamstress Margarete Steiff (Steiff teddy

Monday, October 3, 2016

101 Stunts for Principals to Inspire Student Achievement Sennett's user-friendly book outlines 101 motivational stunts, accompanied by successful case studies, that educators can employ to creatively inspire and motivate students to higher academic ach

Read(➧)Over the Waters (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #26) by Deborah Raney *Download »PDF

Over the Waters (Steeple Hill Women's Fiction #26)

Read(➧)The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Maufactured War on Terrorism by Trevor Aaronson *Download »DOC

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Maufactured War on Terrorism . He has won more than two dozen national and regional awards, including the Molly Prize, the international Data Journalism Award, and the John Jay College/Harry Frank Guggenheim Excellence in Crimina

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Best(➧)Friedman on Leases (3 Volume Set) by Milton R. Friedman *Download »RTF

Friedman on Leases (3 Volume Set) Widely revered by real estate lawyers and leading publications in the field, Friedman on Leases clearly explains the full range of commercial lease provisions and possible landlord-tenant scenarios, e