Thursday, May 12, 2016

Collaborators for Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy by William F. Moore *Online Library »PDF

Collaborators for Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy Exploring the men's politics, personal traits, and religious convictions, the book traces their separate paths in life as well as their frequent interactions. Yet the two built a relationship that, i

Collaborators for Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy

Title:Collaborators for Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy
Author:William F. Moore
Rating:4.74 (209 Votes)
Format Type:Hardcover
Number of Pages:272 Pages
Publish Date:2014-07-25

Editorial : "This is an important book. It helps us see the relationship between Lincoln and the Radicals with a level of detail that we do not see in books that concentrate on Lincoln alone." --Stewart Winger, author of Lincoln, Religion, and Romantic Cultural Politics

Few expected politician Abraham Lincoln and Congregational minister Owen Lovejoy to be friends when they met in 1854. One was a cautious lawyer who deplored abolitionists' flouting of the law, the other an outspoken antislavery activist who captained a stop on the Underground Railroad. Yet the two built a relationship that, in Lincoln's words, "was one of increasing respect and esteem."   In Collaborators for Emancipation: Abraham Lincoln and Owen Lovejoy, the authors examine the thorny issue of the pragmatism typically ascribed to Lincoln versus the radicalism of Lovejoy, and the role each played in ending slavery. Exploring the men's politics, personal traits, and religious convictions, the book traces their separate paths in life as well as their frequent interactions. Collaborators for Emancipation shows how Lincoln and Lovejoy influenced one another and analyzes the strategies and systems of belief each brought to the epic controversies of slavery versus aboliti

As an Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist who has worked in a Western Medical Clinic for the past nine years I find this book invaluable. It seems like some of the problems were written by lazy grad students who didn't bother to read the explanations to see what was covered, or switched problems from previous editions around to different sections without thinking. The reader soon gets caught up in motherhood, women working, financial problems and much more. It's obviously a passion of his. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. And most importantly, the authors understand the difference between herbs and isolated constituents that may come from the herbs.

The authors' clinical expertise is especially useful as it pertains to managing the interplay between drugs and supplements. In that light, no book can save you in a dire situation without you using your own common sense. Sometimes it takes away from the story to have so much drama in the "home" of the novel.

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