Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them

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Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them

Title:Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them
Author:John Silverwood
Rating:4.88 (438 Votes)
Format Type:Hardcover
Number of Pages:240 Pages
Publish Date:2008-07-01

“I told God that if he would let us survive this night, I would make it mean something worthwhile. And then, somehow, I felt calmer than I have ever felt. Unreasonably so. Irrationally so. I looked over the scene of our wrecked life and I smiled–a crazy smile for sure–and I looked through the dark at the mad beauty of it.”
–Jean Silverwood

An exhilarating true-life adventure of one family’s extraordinary sea voyage of self-discovery and survival, tragedy and triumph

Successful businessman John Silverwood and his wife, Jean, both experienced sailors, decided the time was right to give their four children a taste of thrilling life on the high seas. And indeed their journey aboard the fifty-five-foot catamaran Emerald Jane would have many extraordinary and profound moments, whether it was the peaceful late-night watches John enjoyed under the stunning celestial sky or the elation shared by the whole family at the sigh

Editorial : From Publishers Weekly
In 2003, after two years at sea, the 55-foot catamaran sailed by the Silverwoods, a suburban California family that chucked it all to sail around the world, hit a reef off the South Pacific island of Scilly (now known as Manuae), putting the life of Jean and John and their four children (ages five to 16) in peril. The first part of the book is written from Jean's perspective as she opens with the wreck and then moves smoothly between the family's fight for survival and the story of their journey. By juxtaposing the two tales, Jean illustrates how the children's maturity and cohesiveness were not only a byproduct of the trip but also the keys to all the Silverwoods surviving their ordeal, especially John, who was critically injured by the falling mast. Jean wears her heart on her sleeve, and her writing about her marital problems or John's alcoholic relapses is honest. John's narrative is half as long as Jean's, underscoring his straight-to-the point personal

The hero did not cheat on his bride - the heroine does suspect him but towards the end of the book all is made clear. The love and support of the sisters to each other and the support of their parents is what every family should be made of but what is so often lacking.
Can't wait to read the sequel!. My only hope is that her coaching sessions will be discounted for students.. Readers will be encouraged -- and challenged -- by her perseverance, moved by a desire to experience the same victory Janet has found in prayerwalking to a closer relationship with God.. The drawings are so creative and don't get redundant nor boring. It at first seems like a straightforward story of a girl with a terrible history who is likely to be chewed out by society, but it turns out this is no ordinary girl and the story does not turn out like you'd expect. The strong support of family comes through as essential in this story.. Sellers must get the film first.. Life in canterbury Tower surely has it's

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