Monday, July 18, 2016

Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe *Online Library »DOC

Hermann and Dorothea

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Hermann and Dorothea

Title:Hermann and Dorothea
Author:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rating:4.98 (810 Votes)
Format Type:Paperback
Number of Pages:54 Pages
Publish Date:2016-07-12

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a prominent German author, poet, and statesman. Goethe's poetry novels, and plays all are considered some of the finest in literature and his popularity has not waned since his death in 1832. Hermann and Dorothea is an epic poem that tells the story of the son of a wealthy innkeeper who falls in love with a poor young woman and their struggle to be together.

Editorial : About the Author Goethe wurde am 28.8.1749 in Frankfurt(Main) geboren. Er begann sein Studium der Jura 1768 in Leipzig, das er aber wegen einer schweren Krankheit unterbrach und 1771 in Straßburg fortsetzte. Auf Einladung von Herzog Carl August zog er nach Weimar, wo er ab 1776 im Staatsdienst arbeitete. 1786-1788 erste Italienreise, 1790 zweite Italienreise. Goethe starb am 22.3.1832 in Weimar.

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