Thursday, December 29, 2016

Read(➧)Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola *Download »DOC

Thérèse Raquin

Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery by Patt Levine *Books Online »RTF

Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years After Surgery In April 2003 Patt Levine underwent "Lap-Band" gastric surgery, one of the primary bariatric surgeries being widely practiced today. Each recipe includes specific guidelines for preparation of the dis

Monday, December 26, 2016

Listen 7e paper & 6-CD Set by Joseph Kerman *Online Library »RTF

Listen 7e paper & 6-CD Set

Really COOL Colouring Book 2: Cool Cats (Really COOL Colouring Books) (Volume 2) by Elizabeth James * Download »PDF

Really COOL Colouring Book 2: Cool Cats (Really COOL Colouring Books) (Volume 2) Really COOL Colouring Book 2: Cool Cats is a beautiful and relaxing creative colouring book for all feline fans and crazy cat lovers! Switch off, unwind, and unleash your inner creativity as you colou

Top(➧)Heather Graham's Haunted Treasures: Three Haunting Tales of Paranormal Romance by Heather Graham * Download »DOC

Heather Graham's Haunted Treasures: Three Haunting Tales of Paranormal Romance And I Will Love You Forever A beauty, overcome by war, triumphs in love when her strange dreams of a virile and ghostly Viking protector come true. Lovers and Demons Fleeing the unholy attentions of

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Read(➧)Family Trusts: The Must-Have New Zealand Guide - How to Manage and Protect Your Family Trust by Martin Hawes *Download »DOC

Family Trusts: The Must-Have New Zealand Guide - How to Manage and Protect Your Family Trust 'In my experience, 75 per cent of family trusts in New Zealand are so badly arranged or managed that they could easily be attacked and overturned in court managing a trust badly is a bit like insurin

The MacAddict Guide to Making Music with GarageBand by Jay Shaffer * Download »PDF

The MacAddict Guide to Making Music with GarageBand Learn about pre-recorded loops that enable you to sound like you're singing with a symphony orchestra even if you can't actually play a single instrument. MacAddict's focused, no-olds-barred a

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Read(➧)Getty by Sir Grant MacDonald *Download »RTF

Getty . FBI reported that Getty was still shipping oil to Hitler; June, 1941 nine months after London was being bombed five months before Pearl Harbor. 20, 1940 the New York Daily News wrote about Getty'

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Best(➧)Surf: A Visual Exploration of Surfing by Steffen Mackert *Download »RTF

Surf: A Visual Exploration of Surfing Surfing is THE trend sport par excellence. Unlike other titles that have been published on the subject that only concern themselves with technique or biography, this is an illustrative and informative

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Read(➧)Silly Kitty & Funny Hunny: The Oopsy Puppy by Rebecca Morales *Download »RTF

Silly Kitty & Funny Hunny: The Oopsy Puppy

Expanding the Context of Weed Management by Douglas Buhler *Books Online »RTF

Expanding the Context of Weed Management Expanding the Context of Weed Management teaches you how to optimize your crop production and profit by integrating preventive techniques, scientific knowledge, and management skills into y

Top(➧)Actually, It Is Your Parents' Fault by Philip Van Munching * Download »RTF

Actually, It Is Your Parents' Fault Bernie Katz team up for a fascinating, tremendously useful look at the psychological forces in each of us that shape our relationships.Best-selling author Philip Van Munching and psychotherapist Dr..

Saab: A Short Story

The Encyclopedia of Pastel Techniques: A Comprehensive A-Z Directory of Pastel Techniques and a Step-by-Step Guide to Their Use

Best(➧)Solo faces by James Salter *Download »PDF

Solo faces This novel exposes the obsession that draws climbers away from civilization to test themselves against the most intimidating and inaccessible mountains in the world. But when fellow climbers are trapp

Monday, December 19, 2016

Cowboys of Chance Creek (9 Book Series) Cowboys of Chance Creek (9 Book Series)

New(➧)Veterinary Acupuncture by Alan M. Klide * Download »PDF

Veterinary Acupuncture .Drawing on medical and scientific literature in diverse languages, Veterinary Acupuncture presents a world of information on this traditional form of Chinese medicine—for veterinarians t

Student Manual for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Workbook) . Also included are self-inventories, activities, and self-test questions, as well as study questions and exercises based on the "Theory in Practice: The Case of Stan" DVD.To help your students apply

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Herb, Nutrient, and Drug Interactions: Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Strategies, 1e

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

New(➧)A Love that Heals: Letting God's Love Give You Hope in Times of Grief by Angie Winans * Download »DOC

A Love that Heals: Letting God's Love Give You Hope in Times of Grief A Love . Love is a simple but powerful word, and A Love that Heals is written from the heart of a Grammy Award-nominated singer and songwriter, Angie Winans, after the

Christmas Favorites - Tenor Sax: Big Band Play-Along Volume 5 by Hal Leonard *Books Online »RTF

Christmas Favorites - Tenor Sax: Big Band Play-Along Volume 5

Cliff Thorburn's Snooker Skills by Cliff Thorburn *Online Library »RTF

Cliff Thorburn's Snooker Skills Cliff Thorburn's Snooker Skills

Top(➧)Christmas Programs for the Church: Plays, poems, and ideas for a meaningful celebration! (Holiday Program Books) by Standard Publishing * Download »PDF

Christmas Programs for the Church: Plays, poems, and ideas for a meaningful celebration! (Holiday Program Books) .This collection of dramas, skits, readings, and poems provides easy-to-use material for adult and teen Christmas services and programs

Top(➧)Food Wars!, Vol. 2: Shokugeki no Soma by Yuto Tsukuda * Download »DOC

Food Wars!, Vol. 2: Shokugeki no Soma Aiming to one day surpass his father’s culinary prowess, Soma hones his skills day in and day out until one day, out of the blue, his father decides to enroll Soma in a classy culinary school!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Read(➧)Beyond Murder: The Inside Account of the Gainesville Student Murders by John Philpin *Download »PDF

Beyond Murder: The Inside Account of the Gainesville Student Murders Optioned for a TV mini-series. 8 pages of photos. Original. Respected psychological profiler John Philpin and veteran journalist John Donnelly detail the five murders and their aftermath in a grippin

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Best(➧)Oliver Heaviside: The Life, Work, and Times of an Electrical Genius of the Victorian Age by Paul J. Nahin *Download »RTF

Oliver Heaviside: The Life, Work, and Times of an Electrical Genius of the Victorian Age

Read(➧)Great Musicals of the American Theatre Volume 2 by Chilton Book Company *Download »RTF

Great Musicals of the American Theatre Volume 2 Illustrating full text and lyrics with photos, original cast list and background information. Repeating the success of ten great musicals of the American Theatre, here are complete book and lyrics fo

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei: Educator of Modern China by William J. Duiker *Books Online »RTF

Ts'ai Yuan-p'ei: Educator of Modern China In the broadest sense, this intellectual biography is designed to give insight into the reasons why Western values and institutions (especially in education) failed to take root in the Chinese environ

500 Great Heartwarming Expressions For Scrapbooking & Cards by Sandy Redburn *Online Library »RTF

500 Great Heartwarming Expressions For Scrapbooking & Cards

Best(➧)Stink It Up!: A Guide to the Gross, the Bad, and the Smelly by Megan McDonald *Download »PDF

Stink It Up!: A Guide to the Gross, the Bad, and the Smelly U. Its pages are crawling with more than two hundred facts, quizzes, recipes, and bits of trivia about things that are gross, bad, and smelly.They don’t call him Stink for nothing! Now kids c

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Network Administration with FreeBSD 7: Building, securing, and maintaining networks with the FreeBSD operating system by Babak Farrokhi *Free Download»RTF

Network Administration with FreeBSD 7: Building, securing, and maintaining networks with the FreeBSD operating system The book is a guide to Network admins who are interested in extracting full potential of FreeBSD.. This book is for Network Administrators who would like to work with FreeBSD and are looking for skill

The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial (Headline Court Cases) by Judy Monroe *Free Download»PDF

The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial (Headline Court Cases) Presents information about the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh's baby in 1932, the investigation of the crime, and the subsequent trial of Bruno Hauptmann; includes commentary on the decision.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight by Paul McKenna Ph.D. *Books Online »PDF

Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight McKenna’s instructions fully and completely and. Through the simple conditioning techniques revealed in this book and downloadable hypnosis session, you can retrain your mind and body so you no

Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003 Step by Step by Online Training Solutions Inc. *Books Online »PDF

Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003 Step by Step Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself how to use PowerPoint 2003, the Microsoft Office presentation graphics program. Either way, you drive the instruction—building and

Best(➧)To Love, Honor and Disobey by Natalie Anderson *Download »PDF

To Love, Honor and Disobey To Love, Honor and Disobey

Sunday, December 4, 2016


MCP MATHEMATICS LEVEL F STUDENT EDITION 2005C MCP Math is flexible and adaptable to fit a variety of intervention settings including after school, summer school, and additional math instruction during the regular school day..

PLACE Reading Teacher (18) Exam Flashcard Study System: PLACE Test Practice Questions & Exam Review for the Program for Licensing Assessments for Colorado Educators (Cards) If you do well on the exam, it can open doors and lead to wonderful opportunities. The Foundations of Reading section covers: Culturally determined knowledge Children's liter. If

If You Like To Get High And Grill Out, You Might Like This Book by Luke OS *Online Library »DOC

If You Like To Get High And Grill Out, You Might Like This Book

Maid and Wife by Sue Suckit (pseudonym) * Download »RTF

Maid and Wife

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Daddy Versus The Suck Monster by J. Matthew Nespoli *Free Download»RTF

Daddy Versus The Suck Monster

Best(➧)Garfield Vol. 6 by Mark Evanier *Download »RTF

Garfield Vol. 6 This collection follows Garfield as he celebrates a New Year, ships Nermal around the world, and gets into other seasonal shenanigans! Writers Mark Evanier and Scott Nickel, and Garfield daily strip

Friday, December 2, 2016

New(➧)The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Negotiating Course by Mark K. Schoenfield * Download »DOC

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Negotiating Course . Key concepts and points are highlighted within boxes, and reading assignments, and numerous self-tests guide readers every step of the way.Intended as a practical alternative to business school lect

The House: Come Find Your Fantasy by Cassie Alexander * Download »RTF

The House: Come Find Your Fantasy

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Federal Securities Laws: Selected Statutes, Rules and Forms, 2010 by John C. Coffee *Online Library »DOC

Federal Securities Laws: Selected Statutes, Rules and Forms, 2010 Contents include the Securities Act of 1933, Security Exchange Act of 1934, Investment Company Act of 1940, Investment Advisers Act of 1940, SEC Rules of Practice, and related federal laws. It is the